1. Maintain personal hygiene.

2. Practice frequent hand washing with soap or Use hand sanitizer.

3. Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing.

4. Maintain social distance.

5. Use mask while going out.

6. Check Temperature Regularly And See A Doctor If You Feel Unwell

1. Do not shake hands.

2. Do not have close contact with anyone.

3. Do not touch your eyes , nose or mouth.

4. Do not sneeze or cough into palms of your hands.

5. Do not spit in public.

6. Do not visit crowded places.

7. Do not spread rumours.
Together we can fight Coronavirus
Get Vaccinated - For age groups Vaccine Drive is open, get yourself fully vaccinated.
MADE EASY SCHOOL staff is fully vaccinated
For Further Information
Phone No: +91 -9810033227, 9910099457